Hola, also known as Galole, is a small town in Kenya on the Tana River with a population of 6,932.[1] Hola is the capital of the Tana River County. It is a busy market town and a portal to Garissa County and the former North Eastern Province by local canoe ferry across the Tana River.
In addition to the Hola agricultural irrigation scheme, there is a District Hospital and a Kenya Prisons facility located within the town. After the 2013 election, which brought in devolution, based on the 2010 constitution, the town become the headquarters of the Tana River County. the office of the governor is located in Hola town.
In addition to the Hola agricultural irrigation scheme, there is a District Hospital and a Kenya Prisons facility located within the town. After the 2013 election, which brought in devolution, based on the 2010 constitution, the town become the headquarters of the Tana River County. the office of the governor is located in Hola town.