
Medenine is one of the 24 governorates (provinces) of Tunisia.

The governorate encompasses the south-easternmost coastal strip, totalling 9167 km2 and had a population of 479,520 at the 2014 census. The capital is Medenine. The governorate includes the country's largest island, Djerba, which is connected by bridge and has over a third of the total population of the governate and its own airport.

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Medenine is one of the 24 governorates (provinces) of Tunisia.

The governorate encompasses the south-easternmost coastal strip, totalling 9167 km2 and had a population of 479,520 at the 2014 census. The capital is Medenine. The governorate includes the country's largest island, Djerba, which is connected by bridge and has over a third of the total population of the governate and its own airport.